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Student Progress and Performance

Student Progress and Performance

Dear Students, Parents, and Family Members,

Welcome to Paloma Elementary School. Paloma is an exceptional school for many reasons.  We believe in education. Our highest priority is to educate every child to the best of our ability. Our staff works tirelessly to ensure that every student has an exceptional day from the moment they arrive each morning to the time when they leave us at the end of each day. To support us in reaching this goal, we have a top-notch, hardworking, and dedicated PTA. Our PTA provides our students and families with incredible experiences throughout the year that enhance the stellar education that every child receives. Paloma is a school with a reputation of success, caring, and commitment to education and we work hard to maintain that.

As students, your job is to come to school prepared to learn each and every day. We know that many things happen before you come to school and many things happen after you leave us each day. While you are here, we want you to focus on you and being the best student you can be. We believe in you. We care about you. We are here for you. We will do everything we can to support you every day.

As parents and family members, your job is to help your child come to school prepared to learn each day. Please help us by ensuring that your child is well rested, on time, and satiated. Children who get enough sleep, arrive on time, and eat a healthy diet are the most competent and successful students. Your job as family members is vital to our success in educating your child. Together, we can make sure that every Paloma Panther meets his or her tremendous potential. We thank you for your commitment and support.

It is our distinct pleasure to lead Paloma toward the attainment of success in all areas.  We could not be more excited to embark on this adventure of learning and growth with each of you. We are confident that together, as a team, anything and everything is possible!


The Paloma Staff

Supports and Resources for Success

To help monitor the progress and performance of each student, we have several things in place.


In October, all teachers schedule conferences.  While we encourage you to communicate with your child’s teacher any time you feel it is necessary, these conferences are an official opportunity to sit with your child’s teacher one-on-one to hear how your child is progressing.  A convenient time will be scheduled for you to attend a conference.


Progress Reports are sent home up to two times per year, in October and March.  TVUSD has indicated that students who are meeting grade level standards are not required to receive a Progress Report.  If you do not receive a Progress Report, that is ok. If your child is experiencing academic difficulty, you will receive a Progress Report from the teacher.


Report Cards are sent home at the conclusion of each Semester to all students.  Information related to your child’s achievement in all curricular areas and conduct will be included in this report card.  Specific report card information will be shared during Back to School Night and/or Parent-Teacher Conferences. Report Cards go home in January and June.


The TVUSD instructional program is coordinated with the California State Common Core Standards.  Our School Plan aligns the curriculum with state and district guidelines, grade level expectations, and the district course of study.  PES teachers plan lessons according to the standards that are appropriate to the grade level and individual student needs.


In addition to providing an outstanding academic program, the following support services are also offered at Paloma to supplement the regular program:

  • Character Education, TK-5
  • Growth and Development, 5th Grade
  • Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), 3 – 5
  • Library / Media Center, TK-5
  • Meet the Masters Art Program, 2-5
  • Visual and Performing Arts, 1-5
  • Physical Education, 1-5
  • Student Council (ASB), 3 – 5


In the event that any child is not meeting grade level standards or is demonstrating difficulty within the school setting, the Student Study Team (SST) serves as the on-site committee to handle these situations.  This team, composed of an administrator, an SST coordinator, your child’s teacher, and the parent, identifies additional strategies and interventions to help students in need of additional assistance to be more successful.  If necessary, this team is also responsible for determining if a student demonstrates the need for additional assessments relative to Special Education.


Paloma offers Special Education services in accordance with each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  We have several staff members on-site that support our Special Education students, including: a Resource Specialist (RSP Teacher), Special Day Class (SDC) Teachers, a Speech and Language Pathologist, School Psychologists, and a Behavioral Health Therapist.  TVUSD also offers many additional supports as students need and as indicated within their IEPs, including but not limited to: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Adapted Physical Education, and Behavioral Health services.