Special Education
Special Education
Paloma offers Special Education services in accordance with each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). We have several staff members on-site that support our Special Education students, including: a Resource Specialist (RSP Teacher), Special Day Class (SDC) Teachers, a Speech and Language Pathologist, School Psychologists, and a Behavioral Health Therapist. TVUSD also offers many additional supports as students need and as indicated within their IEPs, including but not limited to: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Adapted Physical Education, and Behavioral Health services.
Our Special Education department is committed to providing the tools, services, and resources students need to be successful. It is our goal to ensure that every student has what they need to be their very best and meet their potential.
If you have any questions about our Special Education department or the programs offered, please do not hesitate to visit the TVUSD Special Education website, contact Site Administration or the district office.