Donations & Support
Donations & Support
In support of students and education, we are always looking for donations and support. The vast majority of our fundraising efforts are coordinated through our school PTA. All fundraising efforts and donations to the school directly benefit students and staff.
Please visit the PTA webpage for more information about our fundraising efforts. Please contact a Site Administrator to make a direct donation to the school.
Are you interested in advertising your business and supporting our school at the same time? If so, read on to find out more about our Banner Program! Our banner program is an affordable way to support our school and advertise your business amongst the local community.
Here’s how it works:
- Contact Mrs. Gradstein, the Principal, or Jessica Miller, the PTA President, at your earliest convenience and let us know you’d like to make a donation and get a banner!
- Decide the amount of the donation you would like to make to our school. Donations can be made directly to the school or to the PTA at any time.
- Submit the logo / design that you would like posted on the banner. Communicate with the Principal or PTA to finalize the banner.
- Enjoy your banner!
Banner Pricing:
3x5 $350
4x4 $400
5x5 or 4x6 $500
4x8 $600
5x8 $700
5x10 $800
5x15 $1000
Here are the details:
- All banners will be color banners including your logo/design and a statement of support for Paloma.
- Donations must be received prior to banner production and hanging.
- All donations require a completed Banner Agreement.
- Banners will be approved, purchased, and finalized by the Site Administrator and PTA.
- All banners will be hung on the Amarita Loop fence for one calendar year, 12 consecutive months, from the date it is hung.
- Businesses will have the option to renew the donation and maintain the banner at the end of the calendar year.
- Additionally, all banners will include the following language, "TVUSD neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented."
Our goal is to support elementary-aged students in their academic success, growth, and development. We appreciate any and all support. However, we also reserve the right to refuse a donation at any time if it conflicts with our mission of supporting our students.
Thank you so much for your consideration and support of Paloma! We greatly appreciate all that you do for our students.