Parent Resources & Information
Parent / Guardian Resources
We are excited to partner with you in supporting your child's educational journey. Here, you'll find valuable resources, information, and tools designed to help you stay connected with your student’s progress and our district. Expand the panels below to explore more about TVUSD, including general information, school programs, and how you can get involved. We look forward to working together to ensure a successful and enriching educational experience for every student!
Select a topic below for a list of resources:
- General Information
- Applications & Forms
- Assistance for Families
- Child Nutrition
- Curriculum
- Early Childhood Education
- Enrollment / Registration
- Let's Talk Assistance
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- Student Records & Public Notices
- Technology Support
- Transportation
General Information
Applications & Forms
Assistance for Families
Child Nutrition
Early Childhood Education
Enrollment / Registration
Let's Talk Assistance
Student Records & Public Notices
Technology Support
General Info
This is your one-stop shop for a ton of information pertinent to being a student or parent at Paloma! Read on for some great information.
Modified Days begin Wednesday 8/24/22 and continue every Wednesday until 5/24/23. Additional modified days include 10/10/22 – 10/14/22, 12/21/22, 6/8/23, and 6/9/23.
We encourage all students to ride bicycles or scooters to school each day to boost their health and decrease our traffic. Skateboards, roller blades, skates, and “heelies” are not permitted at any time. We simply ask that you follow a few simple guidelines when riding your bike or scooter to school:
- Lock up your bike or scooter in the bike rack when you arrive
- Wear a helmet when riding in accordance with all state laws
- Be safe when riding to school, map out your route ahead of time and follow all traffic laws
- Walk your bike or scooter when you are on campus, especially in the lane between the buildings
Students in grades K-2 must be accompanied by an adult to ride to school. All bicycles and scooters parked at Paloma are done so at your own risk. Students not abiding by the above guidelines will not be permitted to ride to school.
We will have buses that drop off and pick up students daily. These buses will complete both drop off and pick up at the top of the Amarita loop. The area where the buses will park will be at the top of the loop and will be reserved for buses only. If you regularly use the Amarita loop to drop off or pick up your child(ren), please be courteous of our buses and do not park in the designated bus area.
A Lost and Found basket is kept outside the Multi-Purpose Room. Please mark your child’s belongings, such as: sweaters, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc, so that you are able to easily identify any item from the Lost and Found. Items left in the Lost and Found will be donated to a local charity at least two times per year.
Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books checked out from our library. All lost or damaged books must be paid for. Money collected for reimbursement will be paid to the proper fund for replacement purposes. If a lost book is found, any monies paid for replacement will be refunded.
VAPA – Visual and Performing Arts & PE – Physical Education
VAPA or PE instruction is provided to students (1st - 5th), once per week. Students will be exposed to Visual Arts, Theatre/Dance, and Music. Classroom teachers will provide additional VAPA and PE instruction as well. Education Code Section 51210 requires 200 minutes of PE every ten school days for students in grades one through six.
Toys are not permitted on campus without express permission from your child’s teacher for a specific purpose, such as Game Day. Toys are an obstruction to the learning environment and impede our ability to manage student behavior as effectively as we would like to. Please remind your child(ren) to leave all toys at home. Any toys brought to school can be confiscated by staff at any time.
Our Child Nutrition Department offers hot lunches and milk daily. Menus are sent home monthly and are also published on the TVUSD website.
All students benefit from a nutritious snack to help sustain their brain function and energy from breakfast to lunch each day. Please provide your child with a healthy snack to eat during this daily break. Please avoid soft drinks, sugary snacks, candy, or other unhealthy options. Fruit, a half sandwich, and crunchy vegetables are great options instead!
In the event that your child forgets his or her lunch, please drop it off in the office with your child’s name clearly marked on it. All forgotten lunches will be collected in the office and taken to the lunch area by our Noon Duty Aides. Classroom instruction will not be interrupted to drop off a forgotten lunch.
If your child has any documented food allergies, please notify our Health Office immediately. It must be included on your Student Health History form, completed during Returning Student Registration, and turned in to the Health Office. Our Health Office will notify your child’s teacher, as well as, our Noon Duties. At lunch, a table will be designated for students with food allergies so that they can eat separately, if they choose to do so.